
WhatsApp Bio Caption in English

WhatsApp Bio Caption in English: Here are some ideas for WhatsApp bios for boys and girls about love, life, sadness, attitude, and motivation. Use these WhatsApp Bios quotes to talk about how you feel.

We can learn a lot about life from these words. If you read these quotes (WhatsApp Bio Caption), you’ll love them too. If you like these Whatsapp comments, you should put them in your Whatsapp bio.

You can also use these beautiful bio lines in your Facebook and Instagram bios. Don’t forget to send your friend these Whatsapp statuses.

WhatsApp Bio with Images

Deal with the faults of others
as gently as with your own.

WhatsApp Bio Caption in English
WhatsApp Bio Caption in English

Text me whenever you get time,
Because I spend all the time waiting for your messages.

WhatsApp Bio Caption in English

Stop checking my last seen,
Text me when you miss me.

WhatsApp Bio Caption in English

Some people meet for a short time,
But they remember us for lifetime.

WhatsApp Bio Caption in English

I received nothing I wanted,
but I received everything I needed.

Be enough for yourself first;
the rest of the world can wait.

Pain behind smile and love behind anger
only few can understand.

I always waited for your text
But you never text me.

No one is always busy,
It just depends on what number you are on their priority list.

Never explain your heart to someone,
Because the right one will already know.

Ego is not important in a life,
But self–respect is most important in life.

Don’t be a star in the sky,
Be a candle in the dark.

Time will show you,
Who deserves your heart.

Creative WhatsApp Bio Quotes

  • Live today – tomorrow is not guaranteed.
  • Ideas are useless if they remain unused.
  • Dream without being scared, love without knowing limits.
  • Be brave to live differently.
  • Don’t look at me funny.
  • If you’re tired, keep going. …
  • Abstract personality.
  • Bro codes last forever.
  • Play, slay, and conquer the world.
  • Time flies. Hit the snooze button.
  • Maturity is knowing when and where to be immature!
  • I am busy being myself nobody is perfect, then I am nobody.
  • I don’t care what you think of me until you think, “I am amazing.”
  • Stop following me; I don’t even know where I am going.
  • I dream incredibly, follow my heart and create my own fantasy.
  • Strength comes from doing things you thought you could not.
  • Keeping it simple and living life without zero regrets.
  • There’s beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it.

Beautiful captions for WhatsApp Bio

  • Saves your feelings for someone who actually cares.
  • Forgiveness heals the soul.
  • Please don’t get confused Between my personality and my Attitude
  • I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
  • I don’t need to explain myself I know I’m right.
  • Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
  • Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.
  • Value the person who gives you time; It’s not time they share a part of life with you.
  • “Bye” is a formality, and “see you” is a feeling, but “please take care” is an emotion.❣️
  • People who hide their feelings usually care the most.
  • True love never dies because true love always waits.
  • I am the type of person who never tells anyone what’s there in my heart.
  • But I want some selected people to understand me without saying anything.
  • Never Ignore a person who loves you and cares for you. One day you may realize you’ve lost the moon while counting the stars.
  • Never ignore the person who says sorry for their mistakes because, for them, You are important. Not their ego.❣️
  • It’s very easy to find a new one, but it’s hard to find a true one.
  • A loyal person is always better than a royal person.
  • Distance never kills a relationship. Closeness never builds a relationship…
  • It’s the care of someone’s feelings that builds faith and maintain relations…
  • Can I just be a little kid again? No stress, no worries, just fun.
  • I think too much, see too much, and feel too much, but I speak so little.
  • Never cry for a person who doesn’t know the value of your tears.
  • Dear God… please clear my mind from overthinking… I’m tired…
  • Some people are very expert at hiding their pain with a bright smile.
  • Understanding is deeper than knowledge. There are many people, who know you, but Very few who understand you.
  • Accept the situation and move on with a smile.
  • God doesn’t give you the people you want; he gives you the people you need.
  • Sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because he is trying to change your heart.
  • People that make you smile on your worst days are so important.
  • When our actions are based on good intentions, our soul has no regrets.
  • A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.
  • Let’s be honest, I trust no one.
  • They don’t like me, Cause they are not like me.
  • Control your “anger” Because it is just one letter Away from danger.
  • Please don’t get confused Between my personality and my Attitude
  • I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
  • I don’t need to explain myself I know I’m right.

Best WhatsApp Bio Ideas

  • If I’m on your mind, just text me.
  • You’re still my favorite person, even if I’m not yours…
  • One day love will find you and never leave.
  • You ignore I wait, I ignore you hate.
  • Before you judge me, Make sure you’re perfect..?
  • Being silent is my Attitude.
  • Your followers may not always be your fans
  • Life can get only as good as you think.
  • The start is always tough. Don’t give up.
  • Dear problems… Please give me some discount… I am your regular customer
  • I’m not avoiding work. I’m just on battery saver mode
  • I would lose weight, but I hate losing
  • I am not for everyone.
  • Small Talk can fix a lot.
  • We may not talk, but I still care.
  • I was going to take over the world this morning, but I overslept
  • I follow the quote, “Always Be True To Yourself” because I only lie to others!
  • My humour is beyond your understanding. Isn’t that funny
  • There’s no remote control for life. You have to get up if you want the channel changed.
  • Don’t squander your opportunities for achieving temporary comfort.
  • Within every person is a sun.
  • Your Attitude can hurt me. But mine can even k*ll you.
  • I’m a good person. But Don’t give me a reason to Show you my evil side.
  • Don’t put me in a position where I gotta show you How cold my heart can get.

Top WhatsApp Bios

  • Avoid me once I’ll never disturb you again forever.
  • The more silent I’m the more dangerous I can be.
  • I don’t need crush I need cash.
  • At the day’s end, I am grateful that my blessings outnumber my problems.
  • In life, we don’t lose friends. We only learn who our true friends really are.
  • The biggest risk in life is not taking one.
  • f you can’t convince them, confuse them
  • I’m naturally funny because my whole life is a joke
  • Too lazy to stop being lazy
  • When you love what you have, you have everything you need.
  • Happiness lives inside the smallest moments.
  • A lot of shit broke my heart, but it opened my eyes.
  • This is my life, not urs so Don’t worry about Wt I do.
  • Don’t be afraid to love again Not everyone is your ex.
  • I am who I am Not who you want me to be.
  • Your only limit is the amount of willingness you have.
  • Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
  • Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
  • Don’t Make Me Laugh. I’M Trying To Be Mad At You.
  • Got a new phone today, my old one failed the swimming test.
  • The older I get, the earlier it gets late
  • I want to say a lot of things but never mind.
  • Don’t hurt me. I’m already in pain.
  • Once you lose me, You’ll never get me again.

WhatsApp Bio Quotes For Family

  • Family is the most important thing in the world.
  • A family is a little world created by love.
  • My family is my greatest strength and my biggest weakness.
  • A family where life begins and love never end.
  • Love is the greatest gift of God and love of family is the greatest blessing.
  • Love is life and life is family so love is equal to family.
  • You don’t need everyone to love you, just a few good people.
  • The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.
  • Together is my favorite place to be.
  • With family, today’s little moments become tomorrow’s precious memories.
  • Family is everything.
  • We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
  • It is the moments together that change us forever.
  • Time spent with family is worth every second.
  • Family is much more than a word – it’s a feeling of warmth and love that neither time nor distance can change.
  • Our family is just the right mix of chaos & love.
  • Our family is a circle of strength, founded on faith.. joined in love.. kept by God.
  • Thank you for blessing me with a great family, not a perfect one, but a great one.
  • I know I am blessed because I am healthy, loved, and have an adorable family.
  • My greatest treasure is my family. We are not perfect, but I love them with all my heart.

Motivational Whatsapp Bio

  • The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.
  • Regretting for wasted time is more waste of time.
  • Be courageous to act and leave the talking to others.
  • Dear past, Thank you for all the lessons. Dear future, I’m ready.
  • Those who stand before God can stand up before anybody.
  • success is very simple…..By doing small things at the right time…
  • I am not failed, my success is postponed.
  • Failure means you didn’t try your best.
  • If you can dream it, you can do it.
  • Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive Life.
  • You only fail when you stop trying.
  • Don’t tell people your dreams; show them!
  • Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable.
  • I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • Things won’t get better unless you put your effort into them.
  • If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
  • Don’t stop when you are tired; stop when you are done.
  • Never give up because great things take time.
  • Success becomes your attitude.
  • Always look up UNLESS you got help from someone.
  • Positive vibes will give you a positive life.
  • Satisfy your soul, not society.
  • Focus on what you want. Everything else is a distraction.
  • You’re goals don’t give a shit about how you feel.
  • Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.
  • I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.
  • It’s not what you say; It’s how you say it.
  • I can because I think I can.
  • Don’t count the days; make the days count.
  • Train your mind to be calm in every situation
  • Don’t forget God when you get what you prayed for.
  • Don’t forget how badly you once wanted what you have now.
  • Yesterday you hurt me. I accept it…
  • Today you hurt me, I accept…
  • But every day, how can I accept it..?
  • What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you.
  • One bad chapter doesn’t mean the end of the story.
  • Life is not a competition. Each one is on their own journey. Live according to your choices, values, and principles.
  • Every day you have no job, be better than yesterday.
  • Everything is possible… If you believe in yourself…
  • Every Next Level of your life will demand a different you.
  • Sometimes things are not easy to do. But it’s not difficult too.

Deep Meaning WhatsApp Bios

  • Many things inside, but nothing to say.
  • When you are angry, be silent.
  • Everyone dies in the end.
  • A blind eye is better than a blind heart.
  • Real love isn’t easy. Easy love isn’t real.
  • You all find peace when you stop caring.
  • The Same love never comes twice.
  • Every word has consequences, every silence, too.
  • The person didn’t hurt us; It was our expectations.
  • A broken heart can be fixed, But broken trust can’t.
  • Sometimes words can’t describe all the emotions.
  • Not always who is smiling is happy.
  • and then… we never spoke again.🥀
  • Life goes on with or without whoever.
  • Now you are just a happy memory that hurts a lot.
  • I want to cry, but I have things to do.
  • I told you what hurt me most & you did it perfectly.
  • When I’m really done, I leave in silence.
  • Distance tells you the real meaning of closeness.
  • I don’t hurt others because I know how it feels.
  • I automatically go silent when I hear something that hurts my feeling.
  • Every pain gives a lesson, and every lesson changes a person.
  • Sometimes god breaks your heart to save your soul.
  • Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over…. God sends you a miracle.
  • When your intentions are poor, you don’t lose anyone; they lose you.
  • When you are a good person, you don’t lose people. They lose you.
  • Never take someone feeling like a joke; you never know how bad it feels.
  • People miss you when you’re done missing them.
  • True people cry when you leave, fake people leave when you cry.
  • Love is nothing without action and trust; sorry is nothing without change.
  • Kindness is not flirting. Attention is not love. Silence is not anger. Tears are not weakness.
  • Only three types of people tell the truth, kids, Drunks, and Angry.
  • Sometimes we forget what we deserve because we are too busy listening to the noise of the world instead of our soul.
  • Sometimes you just have to stay silent because no words can explain what’s going on in your mind and heart.
  • One day, you’ll live the life you had once prayed for.

WhatsApp Bio for Love

  • Love is beautiful.
  • I’m happy when you are.
  • I fall in love over again when I see you.
  • You’re the only one I want.
  • You came alone and became my everything.
  • As long as you’re mind, everything is okay.
  • You’re dear to my heart and I want you forever.
  • When I think of you, my heart beats faster.
  • Love is all about trust.
  • If I make you happy, I’m happy.
  • I still fall in love with you every day.
  • I want you & always you.
  • You came like nothing. You became my everything.
  • Everything is fine If you’re mine.❣️
  • With or without conversation, you are still important to me.
  • If I care for you, I care until the end.
  • You hold a very special place in my heart, and I want you to be there forever.
  • I love my life because it gave me you. I love you because you are my life.
  • My heart beats faster whenever I think of you.
  • I’ll always be here for you in every aspect of life.
  • You’re mine, and I’m waiting for the day when you will be officially mine.
  • One day, you and me, Forever and Ever.
  • Every moment with you is beautiful.
  • My love for you will never die.
  • I can’t stop falling in love with you.
  • You will always be my special person.
  • You’re my world, and I love you so much.🌹
  • I’m always there for you in your good or bad time.
  • Marry me as soon as possible I can’t live without you.
  • Hand in hand. You & me till the end.❤️
  • Do you know why I am the luckiest person in the world?
  • It’s because I have you, and you’re mine.❤️
  • Someday, somewhere, somehow, you & I will be together.
  • Falling in Love is easy, but staying in Love is very special.
  • My silence doesn’t mean I am ignoring you; I just love you so much that I hate fighting with you.

WhatsApp Bio for life

  • Life is full of choices; choose carefully.
  • Life gives you many choices-choose wisely.
  • Surprises – expect them.
  • Life does not have to give you what you anticipate.
  • Be the person God would rather you be.
  • Joy or grief – life goes on.
  • Be with people who make you feel loved.
  • Life is like a new book – the next chapter is shrouded in mystery.
  • Life is full of surprises.
  • Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.
  • Be the person God wants you to be.
  • Happiness or sadness, life always goes on.
  • Life is short. Spend it with people who make you laugh and feel loved.
  • Life is Just like a new book; you never know what is on the next page.
  • Life is one; live it your way before you fade away from this life.
  • Time never stops. People come and go from your life, day by day. Time changes everyone; Time changes everything.
  • Enjoy your life as much as you can, as you can’t buy a single breath with all your money.
  • Life gonna end soon; this is the chance; enjoy it today, baby.
  • Life isn’t too hard. We just expect it to be easier all the time.
  • This world, these generations, will never end.
  • You need to find your destiny in your life span.
  • No one was born strong; our life makes us.
  • Live a life worth remembering.
  • If you always think that you are right, then you are never gonna learn anything from life.
  • Live each day as if it’s your last.
  • Life is colorful. Enjoy every moment.
  • Life is a one-time offer; use it will.
  • Enjoy your life today Because yesterday has gone, and tomorrow may never come.
  • Life becomes clear when you start looking toward people’s hearts instead of their faces.
  • Life goes on. Let’s live on!
  • Life isn’t finding yourself; life is about creating yourself.

Funny WhatsApp Bio

  • Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
  • With great power comes to a great electricity bill.
  • So, you’re checking my status.
  • My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”.
  • Hey, you are reading my status again?
  • Life is all about perspective. The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship’s kitchen.
  • I don’t need keys to drive you crazy. I have something else….. guess it!
  • I swear it if looks could kill, I’d be a weapon of mass destruction.
  • I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode.
  • I am not perfect, but I am a limited edition.
  • Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can’t see.
  • You are never too old to learn something stupid.
  • If you can’t convince them, confuse them.
  • The only ex I missing is ex-tra money.
  • I am not lazy I am in energy-saving mode.
  • If life gives you lemons, add vodka.
  • Sending my selfie to NASA because I’m a star.
  • Life isn’t perfect…but my hair is.
  • We’re all born a little crazy; some of us just choose to stay that way.
  • When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
  • God is really creative; I mean, just look at me.
  • I’m too lazy to stop being lazy.
  • Dear stress, let’s break up.
  • I like being glamorous because it’s not a crime.
  • I’m not lazy; I just really enjoy doing nothing.
  • Do not be so open-minded that your brain falls out.
  • My wallet is like an onion; opening it makes me cry.
  • I love my job only when I’m on vacation.
  • I am not really your friend until I start insulting you daily.
  • The most powerful word other than “I Love You” is “Salary is credited.”
  • Some people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair.
  • Common sense is not a gift; it’s a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.
  • Dear problems… Please give me some discount…I am a regular customer.

Sad WhatsApp Bio Ideas

  • I don’t have a lot of friends, I just know a lot of people.
  • Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.
  • If it’s not a happy ending then it’s not the ending at all.
  • Don’t cry because it’s over, smiles because it happened.
  • My silence is just another word for my PAIN.
  • The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me go.
  • When You Sit Alone …You Sit With Your Past.
  • Hate is like acid. It damages the vessel in which it is stored and destroys the vessel in which it is poured.
  • Life goes on with or without you!
  • I care; I always care. That’s my problem.
  • Everyone cares when It’s too late.
  • You’re not mine, but losing you broke my heart.
  • It kills me to see you online but not talk to me.
  • I really want to talk with you, but I think I’m disturbing you.
  • Maybe I was born to be sad.
  • I gave the wrong people the right pieces of me.
  • Hide your emotions because No one cares.
  • One day I will die, and you will be thinking I’m offline.
  • My every status is a silent message to someone.
  • Some people meet for a short time, but they remember us for a lifetime.
  • A fake smile can hide a million tears.
  • Nobody will ever love you the way I did.
  • I feed so damn empty inside.
  • I am not so strong anymore.
  • I hated myself for loving you too much.
  • You Never loved me; you were just bored.
  • I hate myself for still waiting for you.
  • Who hurt me? “my own expectations.”
  • Right now, I’m in a situation where neither I can cry nor can smile.
  • I was adored once too.
  • I died a lot to live a little with you.
  • Thanks for ignoring me when I needed you the most.
  • My feelings for you will never change.
  • One day you will realize how much I cried for you.
  • The course of true love never did run smoothly.
  • Why does life keeps teaching me lessons that I’ve no desire to learn?
  • We all broke the rules for someone, and in the end, they broke us.
  • You flew off with the wings of my heart and left me flightless.
  • The worst kind of sadness is not being able to explain why.
  • Yes, I’ve changed. Pain does that to people.
  • I’m not okay. I’m just good at pretending I am.
  • A mind wants to forget, but a heart will always remember.
  • Tears are words that need to be written.
  • I felt so much that I started to feel nothing.
  • I haven’t felt right for a really long time.
  • You left me a long time ago, but your memories are still hurting me.
  • People leave when they find someone better.
  • One day I’ll leave & never come back.😢
  • One day you will search For me to say sorry but believe me, that will be too late.
  • No one really cares until something dramatic happens.
  • Nothing’s wrong with this world, something wrong with humans.
  • The sun doesn’t always shine. So it’s okay to fall apart sometimes.
  • No one notices my pain, but everyone notices my mistake.
  • Do not judge. You do not know what storm I have walked through.
  • Every time I trust someone, they show me why I’m better off alone.
  • It hurts, but it’s okay because we can’t force someone to feel the same as we feel for them.
  • Sometimes, no matter how nice you are, how kind you are, how caring you are, how loving you are, It just isn’t enough for some people.
  • I don’t even argue nowadays; okay, you win, just leave me alone.
  • I don’t hurt others because I know how it feels.

WhatsApp Bio attitude

  • Nobody can teach me who I am.
  • I am special; that’s why you don’t understand me.
  • I don’t care about other people. I just care about my future.
  • I’m a simple person with a complicated mind.
  • You don’t know me; you only know what I allow you to know.
  • I don’t race; I don’t chase. That’s why I can’t be replaced.
  • I have an attitude in my blood.
  • I am strong because I know my weaknesses.
  • I define my own life. I don’t let people write my script.
  • I am who I’m, and I won’t change for anyone.
  • I don’t trust words; I trust actions.
  • My attitude will always be based on how you treat me.
  • I am me and won’t change for anyone.
  • I do what I like. I don’t care what you think.
  • If you don’t like me, It’s because I don’t want you to.
  • You ignore I wait. I ignore you hate.
  • Before you judge me, make sure you’re perfect..?
  • Being silent is my Attitude.
  • Your Attitude can hurt me. But mine can even kill you.
  • I’m a good person. But Don’t give me a reason to show you my evil side.
  • Avoid me once. I’ll never disturb you again forever.
  • The more silent I’m, the more dangerous I can be.
  • I don’t need a crush. I need cash.
  • This is my life, not yours, so don’t worry about Wt I do.
  • Don’t be afraid to love again. Not everyone is your ex.😜
  • I am who I am, not who you want me to be.
  • Let’s be honest. I trust no one.
  • They don’t like me, ’cause they are not like me.
  • Control your “anger” because it is just one letter away from danger.
  • I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
  • I don’t need to explain myself. I know I’m right.
  • You’ll just never know. So many emotions I choose not to show.
  • People say me bad; trust me, I am the worst.

WhatsApp Bio for Girls

  • A great girl is classy, not trashy.
  • Laugh like a child and live like a Queen.
  • I am in control because I am a queen
  • Always look up unless someone is helping you.
  • Don’t judge me by my past I am not that person anymore
  • I am not silent. I detest drama.
  • It will take you a lifetime to impress me and will it take me one second to reject you
  • Grateful for who has always been there for me.
  • Never give up
  • The only good girls are the ones who do not get caught.
  • I am a bad girl.
  • Girls are changing the world.
  • Just like my eyeliner, I always wing it.
  • I’m not one in a million; I’m one in 7 billion.
  • Leave a little sparkle everywhere you go.
  • The only person I dress to impress is me.
  • I’m a vibe you can’t handle.
  • Keep your head and heels high than other standards.
  • She believed, and so she did it.
  • I am that story in a book that makes someone’s eyes dream. BEWARE!
  • I’m a bad girl; you aren’t used to that.
  • Love is easy, but the queen is busy.
  • Once upon a time, I was stupid enough to fall in love with you.
  • I can, and I will so watch me!
  • Me, myself, and I.
  • Give me some space.
  • I feel incredible today.
  • Don’t underestimate my power.
  • I simply grow up, not old.
  • Time change priority changes.
  • I truly walk the conversation.
  • Satisfy your soul, not the society.
  • I am a private person, so if I open up with you, damn, I trust you.
  • I’m not daddy’s “little princess.” I am daddy’s tough, capable, little girl
  • Don’t show me your attitude. My block list is bigger than your friend list.
  • My hate is more dangerous than my love.
  • Not for your ex, not for y be ambitious for your life..!
  • Don’t change to fit the fashion; change the Fashion to fit you.
  • The question isn’t who is going to let me. It’s who is going to stop me.
  • I’m just a girl who enjoys minding her business, Literally.
  • Coffee in one hand, Confidence in the other.
  • His story is history. My story is Mystery.
  • Don’t be a lady, be a legend.
  • Laugh like a baby. Live like a queen.
  • My parents have done a lot for me. I just want to give back and make them proud.
  • Love me or hate me, I’m still gonna shine.
  • Be like a Butterfly, always beautiful. But hard to catch.
  • Be a girl with a mind, A bitch with an Attitude, and a lady with a class.
  • A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.
  • Thankful for who’s always been there for me.
  • Be real with me, or just leave me alone.
  • Some people hate you just because someone else lied to them about you.
  • I’m not silent; I just hate drama.
  • Don’t judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore.
  • Don’t open the book of your life in front of everyone.
  • Only a few can understand your story.
  • Understanding is an art, and not everyone is an artist.
  • Hide your emotions because no one cares.
  • Life is an unexpected journey.
  • Don’t expect anything from anyone.
  • In life, what you really want will never come easy.

WhatsApp Bio for Boys

  • Boys will be boys.
  • No guts, no glory.
  • With or without a queen a king is a king.
  • Our friends shape our world.
  • Time does not always heal
  • I am amazing, that’s why you miss me
  • You are responsible for your own happiness
  • Enjoy life while its there
  • I like challenging myself
  • I am my worst enemy
  • Want to impress me? Be loyal behind my back.
  • Living life in my own terms.
  • Don’t like me? Don’t care.
  • Trust me; I am a very bad guy.
  • Be a worrier in a room of worriers.
  • Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
  • Keep calm and have some tea.
  • I got to where I am today by being me.
  • I was born to do exactly what I’m doing today.
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine.
  • Great people carry their attitude in their pockets.
  • People will hurt you if you stay down in front of them.
  • King is king with or without a queen; remember that.
  • If you get a different me, that means I saw the real you.
  • How to impress me? Be loyal behind my back.
  • Dear me, I’ll make you proud one day.
  • Of course, you miss me. I’m amazing.😎
  • Live as a villain, Die as a hero!
  • I can’t believe I’m a really bad boy fu*k you.
  • Of all the lies I’ve heard, “I love you” was my favorite.
  • Fuk with me; I don’t care. Fuk with my family, it’s better you run away.
  • Love me? Love you.
  • Hate me? Fu*k you.
  • Never underestimate me because I am more than you think.
  • I respect people who tell me the truth, no matter how bad it is.
  • Wise men listen and laugh while fools talk.
  • I don’t care what you think of me; I’m happy that’s all that matters.
  • Why do I want you so badly if you aren’t good for me?
  • If you could read my mind, you would be in tears.
  • Be careful with what she doesn’t say.
  • Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one.
  • Not everyone is going to love you. So what?
  • People say a lot. So, I watch what they do.
  • They say we learn from our mistakes. So I’m making as many as possible! Soon I will be a genius.
  • A circle is round; it has no ends; that’s how long I want to be your best friend.

Meaningful WhatsApp Bio

  • Live More, Fear Less
  • Life always finds a way
  • Work hard until you don’t have to introduce yourself
  • You only live once, but if you do it right, one is enough
  • Tough times always teach you valuable lessons
  • In life, we never, lose friends, we only, learn who the true, ones are.
  • Life doesn’t give you a second chance often, so use it wisely when the second chance is given
  • Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  • A good life needs some bad days.
  • Time, the healer, and the killer.
  • Love is not a moment it’s a lifetime.
  • Everyone’s journey is different.
  • Go where your soul feels alive.
  • It is you who can make yourself happy.
  • Not everyone deserves to see all of your sides.
  • Memories are forever.
  • Self-love is pure bliss.
  • Wounds of words never heal easily.
  • Trust is a small word with a big concept.
  • Sometimes all you can do is smile.
  • A smiling face doesn’t always mean a smiling heart.
  • Start each day with a grateful heart.
  • Trust the timing; things happen for a reason.
  • Challenges are what make life interesting.
  • “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
  • If it makes you happy, no one else opinion should matter.
  • The secret to getting ahead is getting started.
  • What holds you back isn’t what you are. It’s what you think you aren’t.
  • There’s bravery in being soft.
  • Silence is the most powerful scream.
  • Keep smiling, and one day life will get tired of upsetting you.
  • I am not happy or sad, but I am missing something in my life.
  • Temporary people give you permanent lessons.
  • Innocent people are not stupid; they just think everyone has a good heart.
  • Everybody can see a laughing face, but nobody can see a broken heart.
  • Never make a permanent decision on temporary feelings.
  • Real is rare; fake is everywhere.
  • Forget the person, But not the lesson.
  • Notice everything but be quiet.
  • Sometimes it’s best to let go.
  • Always hope but never expect.

Cool Bios for Whatsapp

  • Welcome to my world.
  • My goal is to progress, Not try to impress.
  • Don’t study me; you won’t graduate.
  • No, this is not a dream; it’s my reality.
  • I am my own mistress.
  • Currently saying yes to new adventures.
  • I am not anti-social; I am selectively social.
  • I don’t keep secrets. I keep people out of my business.
  • I am single as a dollar and am not looking for a change.
  • Learn rules carefully so you can break them properly.
  • Once you fall in love with yourself, others’ game is over.
  • I am a hot dude with a cool attitude.
  • I hate math, but I love counting money.
  • You ain’t gotta like me. I like me.
  • Treat me better, and I’ll make sure I will treat you well.
  • Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
  • I’m not a person you find twice.
  • I don’t have a dirty mind. I have a sexy imagination.
  • Yes, I am smiling, and you are not the reason anymore.
  • If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life.
  • Be single and focus on your goals.
  • Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.
  • I always learn from the mistakes of others who take my advice.
  • I am not failed. My success is just POSTPONED.
  • I received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.
  • I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper.
  • Whenever I think of quitting smoking, I need a cigarette to think.
  • Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.
  • I can turn my sadness into a joke, so don’t worry about me.
  • Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths.
  • When I die, I want my grave to offer free Wi-Fi so that people visit more often.

Stylish WhatsApp Bios

  • Full-on love but low on trust.
  • I’m not your free time or your second choice. Prioritize me or leave me alone.
  • In order to write✍ about life early you duty live he.
  • I can not be adept yet I’m always me.
  • learn to be calm with myself .
  • I ever learned from trip of orts who take my aid.
  • I’m the regent of my own little world.
  • Cutting people out of my life doesn’t mean I hate them. It means I respect myself.
  • Sometimes you have to leave, not for ego but for self-respect.
  • I love late replies. It helps me lose feelings for that person faster.
  • If you lose someone but find yourself. You won.💯
  • We both lost something, you lost me, and I lost time.
  • Everything is temporary, so don’t take the stress.
  • You don’t understand, and I can’t explain.!!
  • My mind is more talkative than my mouth.
  • They said I changed a lot; I said a lot changed me.
  • The past is gone; don’t leave with it.
  • Don’t waste your time crying over wasted time.
  • Avoid me once. I will never come into your life again.
  • Everyone has two eyes, but no one has the same view.
  • Being happy is self-responsibility; another human cannot fulfill that for you.
  • Be enough for yourself first; the rest of the world can wait.
  • I love sleeping because dreams are better than reality.
  • Beauty attracts the eye, but personality captures the heart.

Short WhatsApp Bio

  • Don’t just dream it. Do it.
  • Better days are on the way.
  • Keep calm and chill.
  • Mind dirty, heart pure.
  • Life has no undo option.
  • Do everything with love.
  • Real friends are a rare find.
  • Pray, Wait & Trust.
  • Better times are coming.
  • Learn, rise and shine.
  • Be a flame in a frozen world.
  • Heal, learn, grow, and love.
  • We fall + we learn + we rise.
  • Dream it. Wish it. Do it.
  • Character is the first beauty.
  • Keep calm & just chill.
  • Pretty face, pretty heart.
  • Mind so dirty, heart so pure.
  • Life has no CTRL+Z.
  • Do everything in love.
  • Your heart knows your truth.
  • Real friends are rare.
  • Happiness is an inside job.
  • Private life, happy life.
  • You are an ocean in a desert world.
  • Bring out the kid in you.
  • Every day is a second chance.
  • Every moment matters.
  • We were together. It was enough.
  • There is no moon like you.
  • Life is a beautiful struggle.
  • It’s okay not to be perfect.
  • Life’s short, don’t miss a day.
  • Stay loyal, stay real or stay away.
  • I know God is working, so I smile.
  • Let us die young, or let us live forever.
  • Yeah, I miss you, but you changed.
  • I like private but not a secret.
  • My only focus right now is ME.
  • God forgives I don’t.
  • Even when I’m hurt, I Smile.
  • Time doesn’t heal you. You heal yourself.
  • Trying to understand misunderstandings.
  • You deserve to be someone’s only choice.


Madhav Jha

Madhav Jha loves blogging and is an expert in search engine optimisation (SEO). He loves writing about Shayari, Status, and so on.

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