Birthday Wishes For Sister: Having a sister who’s also your best friend makes your relationship almost unbreakable. With such a close relationship, you should celebrate her birthday big.
You can buy her nice gifts, arrange her surroundings, or prepare a cake, but genuine words go through long after the party.
We all argue, fight, and sometimes even hate our sisters, but when it’s all said and done, we love them like there’s no tomorrow.
Today, we’re posting this post to make our sisters’ birthdays special. You can say “Happy Birthday Sister” to your sisters beautifully and show them how much you love them.
So, your sister’s birthday should be treated like a vacation and she should be treated like a queen. Read on for a list of birthday quotes that say “happy birthday sister!”
This post has 251+ of the best birthday wishes and messages in English for your sister. Best Quotes to Say “Happy Birthday Sister“
Table of Contents
Best birthday wishes for cousin sister
Many people think of their sisters as their best friends. When you have a sister who loves you, you already know that special bond between siblings. You really like her a lot, and for good reason.
You can trust her to keep all of your secrets, give you honest advice, and be there for you when you need someone to cry on.

May the Almighty bless you with health, happiness, and success in all you do. On your birthday, I wish nothing but the best for you, sister. Have a good day!
I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. Happy birthday, sister!
Happy birthday to my dear sister, may all your dreams come true on your special day!
Today was the best day of my life; finally, I got a partner to celebrate my sorrow and joy. Happy birthday, sister; I love you!
Thank you for being the most loving and caring sister in the world! Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear sister!
Happy birthday, sister! I love you!
Here’s to a wonderful birthday and kicking off an amazing year. Happy birthday, Sis, I hope all your dreams come true!
Maybe you were one of the floating souls in heaven. But I’m so lucky that I’ve found you as my sweet sister. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, sister ❤️ Thank you for always being such an amazing sister🎈🎉

Sisters are one of life’s greatest gifts. I’m so grateful you’re mine. Happy birthday!
I hope you have a stellar birthday dear sister, and that this next year is full of exciting opportunities! Keep reaching for those stars, I believe in you!
Wishing you a pot of gold and all the joy your heart can hold. Happiest birthday, sister; I am blessed with the best; I love you!
Happy birthday dear sister! Wishing you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate another year in your life! May the joyful celebration of this day melt your heart and fill it with love.
Since the day you were born, I knew you were special. You continue to prove me right. Happy birthday, sister!
Though we might be sisters by chance, we’ll always be friends by choice. Love you always.
To theHeart touching birthday wishes for sister good old days when we were small and used to fight, I still remember your weeping eyes (kidding). Happy birthday to my grown-up girl; I love you, sister!
Happy birthday to my sister and my partner in crime! Growing up together has indeed been a blessing.
Thank you for being a shoulder I can always lean on no matter what. I love you so much. Happy birthday!
birthday wishes for sister in hindi
There is no one who really gets you like your sister. She has seen all of your good and bad times, from the bad haircuts you had in middle school to your biggest wins.
She may have stolen your clothes (but really, you stole her makeup too!) and told everyone when you tried to sneak out, but you still love her. And what better way to say ILY than to wish your sister a happy birthday?

जन्मदिन मुबारक हो, प्यारी बहन। आज का दिन आपके लिए एक अद्भुत, गौरवशाली और आनंदमय वर्ष की शुरुआत हो।
Happy birthday, sweet sister. May today be the start of a wonderful, glorious and joyful year ahead for you.
मेरी अविश्वसनीय बहन को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ! तुम मेरे लिए बहुत मायने रखती हो, प्यारी; मैं आपके लिए दुनिया की सारी खुशियों की कामना करता हूँ!
The most heartfelt wishes to my incredible sister! You mean so much to me, cutie; I wish you all the happiness in the world!
सूर्य के चारों ओर एक और यात्रा करने के लिए बधाई। आप सबसे अच्छी बहन हैं, और मैं केवल आपके लिए शुभकामनाएँ देता हूँ।
Congratulations on taking another trip around the sun. You are the best sister, and I wish you the best things only.
आप हमेशा मेरे सबसे बड़े समर्थक रहे हैं। आपको जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ, बहन!
You’ve always been my biggest supporter. Wishing you the absolute best birthday, sister!
अगर मुझे किसी को अपनी बहन के रूप में चुनना हो, तो भी मैं तुम्हें ही चुनूंगा! मैं जिस सबसे अच्छी लड़की को जानता हूं उसे जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं।
If I got to choose anyone to be my sister, I’d still choose you! Happy birthday to the coolest girl I know.
जन्मदिन मुबारक हो, मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त और बहन! इस अद्भुत दिन पर, मैं आपको याद दिलाना चाहता हूं कि आप मुझसे बहुत प्यार करते हैं, खासकर मेरे द्वारा।
Happy birthday, my best friend and sister! On this wonderful day, I want to remind you that you are loved so much, especially by me.
Happy birthday, sweet sister. May today be the start of a wonderful, glorious and joyful year ahead for you.
Wishing you a very happy birthday, dearest sister. May you always shine bright like a diamond and make us proud! Love you.

You are literally the kindest person I know and I’m so glad to call you not just my sister but my best friend too. Happy birthday sis!
May God always shower you with joy and prosperity in every aspect of your life. Happy Birthday, my dearest sister.
You’re a beautiful person, a loyal friend, and such a special sister. Thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter into my life. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
May your every wish be filled; whatever you want in your life is always achieved. Loads of love, happy birthday, sister!
Happy birthday! Someone as special as you deserves to be celebrated in every way, I love you sis!
Wish you the happiest birthday and a wonderful life ahead, dear sissy. May you always stay just as strong and beautiful.
Happy birthday, sister. May you run away with your mister and have your life a little happier; I love you!
My loving sister, I’m so glad to have you, and you’re such a friend whom I’ll be loving throughout my entire life! Happy Birthday!
funny birthday wishes for little sister
You can add your own unique touch to any of these birthday wishes to make them even more special. Think of a joke that only you and her know or a good memory from your childhood to share. It doesn’t matter what you write as long as you include a gift and say “I love you.”
Here are some kind, funny, and encouraging birthday wishes for any sister you know.

You are the best sister that I’ve ever had in my life and even in my imagination too. Happy Birthday.
Time to party! Happy birthday, sisterYou are the best sister that I’ve ever had in my life and even in my imagination too. Happy Birthday.
The warmest wishes to my wonderful sister, that makes my life so colourful and exciting!
Cheers to another year around the sun!Happy Birthday
Our parents made us siblings; we became friends on our own. Happy Birthday Sis.

Happy birthday to the girl who always makes me smile.Happy Birthday Sis
My hope and optimism be your strongest allies in the journey of life. Happy Birthday, Sister!
Just be yourself always, don’t think about others, and what you should always know is I am there for you. Happy birthday!
May you get success in whatever you do in life. Happy birthday, dear sister!
May your every wish be filled; whatever you want in your life is always achieved. Loads of love, happy birthday, sister!
funny birthday wishes for elder sister

Do you know what I secretly wished for when I saw a falling star last night? I made a Birthday wish for you and asked for all the health and wealth in this world to be yours! Happy Birthday, sister.
Having you as my sister and bestie makes my life so much brighter. May all your wishes come true on your birthday!
Sending you my hugs and kisses on your birthday. I think a lot about how lost I would have been in this world if I didn’t have you in my life, sister.
I I wish you love on your special day and lots of it too. I hope you have the nicest day ever! Happy birthday sis!
Im so grateful you’re my sister, I can’t imagine life without you. Thanks for being amazing! Have a great birthday!
Sisters are one of life’s greatest gifts. I’m so grateful you’re mine. Happy birthday!
It is a true blessing to have such a fun, smart and caring sister like you. Have a joyful and unforgettable day, full of everything that you love most!
God has blessed me for a lifetime by sending a sister like you. Happy birthday my dear!

May you achieve everything you desire in life. I wish you a very sweet and happy birthday. May you have an awesome life ahead. Enjoy your day.
Since the day you were born, I knew you were special. You continue to prove me right. Happy birthday, sister!
My twin, you make my life so much better. Enjoy your birthday to the fullest! I adore you.
You are not just my sister, you are also my best friend, mother, and father. Thank you for always protecting me and taking care of me. Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday to my sweet little sister! May your day be full of fun, laughter, and cake!
Happy birthday to the person who has always been my protector even though I’m the older sister!
God showers goodies on us in the form of siblings. And I’ve got the best goodies of all! Love you, dearest sister. Happy Birthday!
Hey, with you in life, I feel so complete,Because you guide me all the way,Sometimes I may be a rebel,But I have to say,That you mean a lot to me,Happy birthday, dear sis,Stay blessed!
Happy birthday to the best sister a girl could ask for! Hope your day is full of fun!
birthday wishes for sister in marathi
These sweet birthday wishes for sisters show how close they are and so much more. You could also make a card with one of these sweet words and give it to your sister if you have trouble finding gifts for her.
Wishes that are short and sweet, wishes that come from the heart, sister quotes, and funny birthday wishes that can also be used for a sister-in-law!

मुलगी मागू शकेल अशा सर्वोत्तम बहिणीला वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा! आशा आहे की तुमचा दिवस आनंदाने भरलेला असेल!
Happy birthday to the best sister a girl could ask for! Hope your day is full of fun!
माझ्या प्रिय बहिणी, तू माझ्या ओळखीची सर्वात गोड व्यक्ती आहेस. तू जे काही आहेस आणि तू माझ्यासाठी जे काही केलेस त्या सर्व गोष्टींसाठी मी तुझ्यावर प्रेम करतो. मी तुम्हाला वाढदिवसाच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा देतो.
My dearest sister, you are the sweetest person I have ever known. I love you for everything you are and everything that you’ve done for me. I wish you a very Happy Birthday.
तुम्ही मागितलेल्या वाढदिवसाच्या भेटवस्तू मी तुम्हाला देऊ शकतो, परंतु तुम्ही माझ्यासाठी असलेल्या भेटवस्तूच्या तुलनेत ते कधीही पुरेसे होणार नाही. मी तुझ्यावर प्रेम करतो, माझ्या प्रिय बहिणी. तुमचा मोठा वाढदिवस आहे. मी तुम्हाला ते करण्यास मदत करण्याचे वचन देतो.
I may give you any birthday present you ask for, but it will never be enough compared to the present you are to me. I love you, my dearest sister. Have a rocking birthday. I promise to help you do that.
तुला वाढदिवसाच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा, बहिणी. देव तुम्हाला बुद्धी, शांती आणि आनंद देईल. प्रिय बहिणी, तुम्हाला वाढदिवसाच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा.
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Sis. May God gift you wisdom, peace and happiness. Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear Sister.
वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा ताई! मला आशा आहे की तुमचा आज आणि प्रत्येक दिवस एक आश्चर्यकारक दिवस असेल! मी तुझ्यावर प्रेम करतो आणि तुझी खूप आठवण येते.
Happy birthday, sister! I hope you have an amazing day today and every day! I love you and miss you so much.
मोठे झाल्यावर तू माझ्यासाठी नेहमीच जगातील सर्वात सुंदर मुलगी होतीस. ते अजूनही खरे आहे. वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा ताई!
Growing up, you were always the most beautiful girl in the world to me. That still rings true. Happy birthday, sister!
मी तुम्हाला वाढदिवसाच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा आणि गोड शुभेच्छा देतो. तुम्हांला पुढचे उदंड आयुष्य लाभो. मी तुम्हाला भविष्यासाठी सर्व प्रेम, काळजी आणि आनंदाची शुभेच्छा देतो.
I wish you a very happy and sweet birthday. May you have a wonderful life ahead. I wish you all the love, care and happiness for the future.
काहीही झाले तरी आम्ही नेहमी एकमेकांच्या पाठीशी राहू असे वचन देऊन तुमचा वाढदिवस साजरा करूया. वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा ताई.
Let us celebrate your birthday by promising that we will always remain at each other’s side no matter what happens. Happy Birthday, Sister.

With all your love and care, you filled my childhood with memories that I will cherish for as long as I live. Thank you, dear Sister. Happy Birthday.
My love for you knows no bounds. My respect for you is equally immense. You are my ultimate emotional support and my sweetest love. Every memory from the gone years makes me glad that you are my sister. And I wish you a very warm and happy Birthday. I love you, my sister.
Dearest sister, life is the most feeling, and how it happens with each moment we live one life, so fall in love with moments, I love you. Happy birthday!
My dearest sister, I wish you a very warm and happy birthday. You are not only the sweetest sister but also a true friend. I feel blessed to have a sister like you. May you achieve and get all you ever wish for.
You have been the oldest friend I have ever had. Thank you for being such a lump of sugar to me, sissy. And no matter how horribly we fight, the truth is that I have always loved you and always will. Happy Birthday.
May you have all the good things in your way. I pray that God always keeps you happy and surrounded by loving souls. Happy Birthday!
I’m glad both of us retards met and were born in the same family. Even God knew it’s just you and me who can handle each other and nobody else. Happy Birthday my lovely sister!
Happy birthday to the strongest and the most beautiful woman I know. Having you as my sister makes me burst with pride. May all of your birthday wishes come true!
birthday wishes for sister from another mother
Are you having trouble writing or don’t know where to begin? You’re in the right place, don’t worry. Have a great birthday, sister! Here are some great birthday wishes that will make her smile.
This is for your sister, no matter what kind of person she is: religious, emotional, social media-savvy, or somewhere in between. These birthday wishes are sure to make her day, with short and sweet messages that will melt her heart and funny messages that will make her laugh out loud.

No sibling rivalry over here — it’s only pure love. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my most beloved confident. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday sister.
Sister, you are my everything and even more. I feel that I’m definitely one of the luckiest! Happy Birthday.
You’ve been my partner-in-crime and my confidante right since my birth. I am lucky to have you as my sister, and today I wish you loads of luck and love in your life. Happy Birthday
God showers goodies on us in the form of siblings. And I’ve got the best goodies of all! Love you, dearest sister. Happy Birthday!.
READ MORE: Happy New Year Wishes in Hindi
Having a sister means being blessed with double of everything: two closets, two sets of makeup, and two hearts that are always connected. Thanks for always sharing your things, even when you didn’t want to. Happy birthday!
OMG, how did my little sister become so grown up?! I’m sorry to say it, but no matter how old you are, you’ll always be a cute little munchkin in my eyes! I hope you have a brilliant day and year!
On your birthday I pray that the Almighty bless you and keep you in His loving arms. I am fortunate to have a sister who is always there for me. Best wishes for your birthday!
My precious sister, may all your dreams come true, and may happiness never leave your side. Wishing you a very happy birthday and a great year ahead!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday, sister. May all the days of your life be colorful and blessed. Sending all my prayers and good wishes to you.
Happiest birthday wishes to my lovely sisterI miss being with you on this special day of yoursBut I pray that you get everything you wish forYou celebrate this day with cheer in your heartMay this birthday bring something special for youMay you get amazing new things tooHave a lovely day!

I mean a lot when I say that I love you loads,You are the best sis anyone can ever ask in life,Happy birthday to my dear sis,Have a special day!
With all your love and care, you filled my childhood with memories that I will cherish for as long as I live. Thank you, dear Sister. Happy Birthday.
I hope the future holds more happiness, joys, surprises and good times for us to share. And a few pillow fights wouldn’t do much harm. Haha. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
You are like a blessing in my lifeMy days are a lot more amazingBecause I have such a lovely sister like youYou are the reason for my smileMy sister…I love youWishing you an amazing dayA very Happy Birthday to you!
Today is your chance to take advantage of me and empty my pockets by asking for the most expensive gift ever! Happy Birthday, dear.
If I had the money, I would have hired a plane, flown into the skies above and written in the clouds ‘Happy Birthday Sister’. But since I’m not so well off yet, please accept my genuine and humble wishes. Happy Birthday, sister.
My sis, I want to thank you for being the most loving and caring sister in this entire world. No one understands me better than you. Wish you a Happy Birthday.
I mean a lot when I say that I love you loads,You are the best sis anyone can ever ask in life,Happy birthday to my dear sis,Have a special day!
I share my life with you.I share my joys with you,I share my wisdom tooAs our bond is so specialOur bond is so true,My baby sis, I love youHappy birthday to you!
You are my special gift from heaven. I am very glad that God made you my sister, forever. Thanks a ton for inspiring me. Here is your naughty little brother giving his best wishes, love and greetings, along with wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
I can’t think of how my life would have been if it weren’t for your shadow being with me all the time. Thank you for being there whenever I needed you. Happy Birthday, sis.